Navigate the 2022-23 Industry Job Market Webinar

Navigate the 2022-23 Industry Job Market and Nail Your Interviews!
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
1:00 PM Eastern

Dave Altig, NABE President; Executive Vice President and Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Tim Graciano, General Manager, Network Optimization, Convoy
Lorna Kamau, Senior Technical Recruiter, Economics, Amazon
Fraser Thompson, Principal Economist, Keystone Strategy

Moderator: Ida Johnsson, Associate Director, Economist, Chewy


Preparing to land your first job in economics? Don’t miss this webinar, as our panel of industry hiring managers and recruiters will:
  • Provide an overview of the recruiting and hiring processes for their organizations over the next few months
  • Tell you how industry interviews work, and how they differ from academic interviews
  • Describe their personal interviewing strategies, provide examples of common questions, and tell you what they want to hear from candidates
  • Give you tips on how to ace an interview (and how to avoid blowing it!)
  • Talk about the soft skills and personal qualities they want to see and how you can demonstrate mastery of these in an interview
  • Detail the software packages and technical skills they want to see on your resume
  • Give you a sense of the onboarding process and what it’s like to work for their organizations as a new hire
  • Provide resources and links to learn more about opportunities at their firms
  • Tell you where they recruit – NABE’s Tech Economics Conference, ASSA, or elsewhere?
  • Answer all of your questions about applying, interviewing, and working for their firms.

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9/13/2022 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time
Online registration not available.

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