Communication & Presentation Skills for Business Economists & Analysts


Research tells us that the #1 skill needed for advancement and promotion in our field is the ability to communicate ideas effectively. Employers demand solid presentation skills from economists: an economist who can present complex ideas clearly will maximize his or her ability to add value in the workplace.

In recognition of this, NABE is pleased to announce our course, Communication and Presentation Skills for Business Economists and Analysts. This program is specifically designed for business economists, government economists, analysts, and others who speak to groups and must sell their ideas, their organization and themselves.

Course Overview

Learn to give presentations that get a group's attention, hold people's interest and persuade them to act. This course introduces the principles of a powerful presentation, key characteristics of powerful presentations, and the five-step process for preparing a presentation.

Course Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Select specific tools and strategies for analyzing audiences
  • Use the tools of communication: eye contact, voice, and body language
  • Create and deliver complex content in a format that increases audience attention
  • Think quickly and deal with presentation anxiety
  • Develop presentations using a specific format
  • Structure an effective opening, body, and closing
  • Use the best visual effects to add punch to your presentations
  • Lead an effective Q&A, dealing with difficult questions and participants
  • Deliver an effective impromptu presentation

For more info, view the Course Table of Contents.

Participants are encouraged to bring three to four slides from a presentation.

  • One slide of your introduction
  • One to two slides of content
  • One slide of your conclusion

These slides can be from a presentation that you are actively using now or are planning to use in your organization.  The goal is to give you practice using “real” materials.  Please put your presentation on a flash drive and bring with you to the session.


Past students have said:

 "I received specific tips and ideas for my presentations,
 which have helped improve my body language and oratory skills." 

"Personal feedback from the instructor was invaluable, and the
video analysis of our interviews and presentations was extremely helpful." 


Registration Details

Early-Bird Fees:

NABE Member: $1,200

U.S. Government Employee: $1,275

Non-Member: $1,350

Future Offerings

September 26-27, 2024 - Nashville, TN

For future offerings of NABE's other Certified Business Economist programs, check the CBE calendar.